Here you can find a selection of publications related to the topics in the Research section.
X. Wang, A. Kundu, B. Xu, S. Hameed, I. Sochnikov, D. Pelc, M. Greven, A. Klein & B. Kalisky Multiferroicity in plastically deformed SrTiO3, arXiv:2308.14801 (2023).
A. Klein, V. Kozii, J. Ruhman & R. M. Fernandes, Theory of criticality for quantum ferroelectric metals, Physical Review B 107, 165110 (2023, Editor's Suggestion).
S. Hameed, D. Pelc, Z. W. Anderson, A. Klein, R. J. Spieker, L. Yue, B. Das, J. Ramberger, M. Lukas, Y. Liu, M. J. Krogstad, R. Osborn, Y. Li, C. Leighton, R. M. Fernandes & M. Greven, Enhanced superconductivity and ferroelectric quantum criticality in plastically deformed strontium titanate, Nature Materials (2021).
A. Klein, Y. Schattner, E. Berg, A. V. Chubukov, Normal state properties of quantum critical metals at finite temperature, Physical Review X 10 (3), 031053 (2020).
A Klein, DL Maslov, AV Chubukov, Hidden and mirage collective modes in two dimensional Fermi liquids, npj Quantum Materials 5 (1), 1-13 (2020).
A Klein, MH Christensen, RM Fernandes, Laser-induced control of an electronic nematic quantum phase transition, Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013336 (2020).
A Klein, DL Maslov, LP Pitaevskii, AV Chubukov, Collective modes near a Pomeranchuk instability in two dimensions, Physical Review Research 1 (3), 033134 (2019).
A Klein, O Agam, IL Aleiner, Instability of the Abrikosov Lattice due to Nonanalytic Core Reconstruction of Vortices in Bosonic Superfluids, Physical Review Letters 118 (8), 085303 (2017).
A Klein, IL Aleiner, O Agam, The internal structure of a vortex in a two-dimensional superfluid with long healing length and its implications, Annals of Physics 346, 195-229 (2014).